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Assoc. Professor Dr. Atty. Petar Iliev, Ph.D. (J.D.), Honorary Consul




• Attorney-at-Law, member of Sofia Bar Association and a Lawyer of the Year Award Winner. The Distinction is the most prestigious Award of Excellence in the legal profession in Bulgaria. The Best Lawyer of the Year Award was conferred upon Dr. Petar Iliev by Professor Dr. Ognian Gerdjikov who is a former Prime Minister of the Republic of Bulgaria and President of the Bulgarian Parliament, Professor of Civil and Commercial Law and Chairman of the professional award jury at the National Justice Awards Ceremony supported by the International Association of Lawyers and all Bulgarian Bar Associations. 


Founder and Managing Partner of Iliev & Partners Law Firm. Iliev & Partners Law Firm is a Law Firm of the Year Award Winner. The Distinction is the most prestigious Award of Excellence for a leading and reputable law firm in Bulgaria. The Best Law Firm of the Year Award was bestowed upon Iliev & Partners Law Firm at the National Justice Awards Ceremony supported by the International Association of Lawyers and all Bulgarian Bar Associations.  


Lawyer Philanthropist of the Year Award Winner. The prestigious Distinction was conferred upon Dr. Petar Iliev in high recognition of his humane and charity activity supporting noble causes and philanthropic initiatives. The respected and reputable Award was bestowed upon Dr. Petar Iliev at the National Justice Awards Ceremony supported by the International Association of Lawyers and all Bulgarian Bar Associations.


The first and only Attorney-at-Law who has participated as a defense lawyer and legal representative in a court session of the Constitutional Court of the Republic of Bulgaria regarding an MP’s mandate. The constitutional case was won and legal victor gained by a unanimous Constitutional court judgement.


Associate Professor in Law (Public Law).


Doctor of Law (Constitutional Law), Ph.D. in Law (J.D.).


Legal scholar.


Honorary Consul of Barbados and Head of the Consulate of Barbados in the Republic of Bulgaria.


Member of the Association of Honorary Consuls in Bulgaria which is a member of the World Federation of Consuls (FICAC), the most prestigious global organization of Consuls recognized by the United Nations


Member of academic research projects and teams on various legal topics and also an academic supervisor of legal research groups in academic projects supported by the Council of Europe and international organizations.


Lecturer and Presenter at more than thirty academic conferences as well as a Chairman and Moderator at a great number of business conferences focused on various legal and economic topics.


Author of several books and scholarly monographs in the area of Law and more than sixty academic articles, studies and other publications on various legal matters.


Chairman of the Management Board of the Bulgarian Economic Chamber.


Chairman of the Management Board of the Canadian Bulgarian Chamber of Commerce.


Chairman of the Management Board of the Caribbean Bulgarian Business Club.


• Former Deputy Chairman of the Management Board of the British Bulgarian Chamber of Commerce.


Founder and Owner of Legamax Accounting Ltd., a leading and highly respected Bulgarian accounting company. 


Candidate for Prime Minister of the Republic of Bulgaria.


Main speaker on legal matters at the 9th Real Estate and Investment Forum held in Sofia, Bulgaria.


• Former President of the Management Board of the National Law Students’ Association ELSA Bulgaria, a member of the European Law Students’ Association ELSA International which is the largest and most renowned law students’ organization in the world. In his capacity as President of the Management Board of ELSA Bulgaria Mr. Iliev was a chairman, moderator, coordinator, lecturer and speaker at many international conferences, forums, events, projects and seminars in various spheres of law, as well as an organizer and coordinator of аn official visit of the representatives of the Court of Justice of the European Union in Sofia and their presentations and meetings with Bulgarian law students and young lawyers.


• Former President of the Supervisory Board of the National Law Students’ Association ELSA Bulgaria.


Representative of Bulgaria at an international peace conference in Cambridge, Great Britain, organized by the Council of Europe.